Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1972.
- Universidad Catolica Argentina. Lawyer. 1995
- Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. Specialist in Criminal Law. 2004
Professional Profile
- Adviser at the Directorate of Coordination with the judiciary and the Public Ministry in the Secretariat for the Prevention of drug addiction and the fight against drug trafficking in the Presidency of the Nation (SEDRONAR). October 2012, to currently.
- 2008-2013. Partner at ALESINA-GATTI-TAUBAS-CARBONE-BELLANI-VIBES. Attorneys at law.
- 1999-2007. Associated at “Alesina & Asociados”.
- 2009-2011. Deputy Adviser from Martin Borrelli, in CABA.
- Deputy Adviser from Martin Borelli, in CABA “AD-HONOREM”.
- 1998-2011. Adviser “ad-honorem” from the National Deputy Guillermo Francos in the “Criminal Law Committee of the Chamber of Deputies”.
- 1992-1998. Judiciary of the Nation.
Teaching Activities. Academics.
- 1998-2002. Assistant professor in Criminal Law II. Universidad del Museo Social Argentino. (Headline: Dr. Alfredo Olivan. Associate: Dr. Carlos Rengel Mirat; Dr. Ricardo Warley).
- 2002-2003. Chief of Practical Work. Criminal Law II. Universidad del Museo Social Argentino.
- 2006-2007. Guest Professor of the chair “Special Penal Laws” from Dr. Gustavo Costa. Criminal Law. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Criminal aspects of the laws of Copyright, Trademark and Patent of Invention.
- 2010-2012. Guest Professor of the postgraduate in Entertainment Law from Pablo Maspero. Facultad de Derecho. Universidad de Buenos Aires.
- 2009-2012. Guest Lecturer at the Center for Intellectual Property at the Univesidad Austral. Master of Intellectual Property. Intellectual Criminal Law.